Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Family Photos - James Gemmell's children in Montana

Old photos are such a treasure!   Here are three taken in Sheridan, Montana.  They were published in a book called Pioneer Trails and Trials in 1976 by the Madison County History Association.
I would love to find out if anyone has the originals.

The Orlin Fitzgerald Gammell Family
 taken in Montana, c. 1910.
Orlin is James Gammell's firstborn son. 


The living children of James Gemmell (c. 1924), those who were living in Sheridan at the time.


George Gemmell, youngest son of James, and his son Billy, c. 1924,
 at George's blacksmith shop in Sheridan.

My next post will tell the story of  James' move to Montana.  (I will then move these photos ahead into other posts.)  

Thanks to Bary Gammell for providing these photos.


  1. Patricia Riddell LococoSeptember 20, 2011 at 7:22 PM

    Wonderful photos! What a nice addition to the site!

  2. Hello My name is Billie Campbell. My family came from Sheridan. My grandmother was named Mary Schneider and I believe they lived across the street from the Blacksmith. The Schneiders lived in the house next to the Sheridan Hotel. I remember as a little girl seeing what was left of that old blacksmith. My Great Aunt Ella lived in the house back in the 60's still. She was quite the character. She fed all the dogs, cats, and birds in the town. Every night the animals would flock to her house to be fed. I remember seeing 15 or so dogs sitting at her back door. I love visiting Sheridan and fished in the creek that ran alongside her house and under the road so it must have ran past the blacksmith shop. I also remember her mentioning the Gemmels.

    1. Hi, Billie,
      Thank you for your comment. It's nice to hear from someone who knows about the old days in Sheridan. Do you happen to have any old photos of the sites you mentioned.
      Liz Hedquist
